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& Production

A finest quality and stable fermentation system is available now for your business!
It is our duty to maintain and represent the finest quality of fermentation with LACTO Technology that can be utilized for food business. That is why we also make the standard and propose the license with limited conditions while we are trying to disseminate LACTOCULTURE to many people with DIY concept. In addition, our fermentation system are optimal system for producing in close to the consumption area, simultaneously with maintaining fine and active fermentation.
LACTO PREMIUM is the finest quality of LACTO solution especially recommended for business use.


We are confident in the quality of our lactic fermentation and its fermented product LACTO PREMIUM by the following reasons.

1)We have high standards for materials, environment and technology for fermentation, and maintain continuously the finest quality of them.

2)The safety of lactic acid fermentation and its fermented food has been traditionaly and clinically proved.

3)The safety of lactic fermented food is proved scientifically by the acidity level.

In fermentation & production of LACTO PREMIUM,
we have been continuously pursuing quality improvement in the following factors.

1) Ingredients - Raw materials

We are selecting organic raw materials of finest quality from reliable farmers and companies. We also remove carefully the ingredients that are inferior to the quality standards even after selecting  high quality ingredients.

2) Fermentation Environment

In accordance with the place of fermentation and the environment of the facility, we use proper equipment and tools to control the environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, ventilation and preservation of ingredients. We are continuing our efforts to create an optimum condition for microorganisms, and to create an environment where fermentation can be safely carried out.

3) Technology - knowledge & know-how

Microorganisms are living creatures, and LACTO PREMIUM is a fermenting universe. In order to maintain its quality of harmonious universe in its most activated state and use for business, it is essential to have specific skills, experience and sense to see microbial activity, fermentation state and rhythm. We have been seriously working to have conversation with microbes to create optimal environment for them.

LACTO PREMIUM has 6 categories and more than 20 factors for quality & safety check.

1)Taste : Sweetness, Saltiness, Bitterness, Sourness, Umami, Others  
2)Aroma : Fruity, Nuts, Refreshing, Alcohol, Odor, Others 
3)Color & Visibility : Transparency(Clear - Milky), type of color(Yellow, Orange, Others)
4)Carbonation : Color, size, how sparkling, texture of bubble, etc
5)Originality : The individual difference, the originality related with ingredients, nutrients, microbes.
6)pH level : The safety standard by pH level between 4.5 and 2.5 (4.5-4.0-3.5-3.0-2.5)


*Inspection Condition : Check 5 times for inspection when it’s in the bottle/glass, before tasting, during tasting on tongue and throat, after drink 5 seconds.

We set and maintain the finest safety standard of pH level for LACTO PREMIUM fermentation, lower than 3.6pH.

All fermentation process of LACTO PREMIUM has been continuously cultured within this finest standard for last 5 years since 2012. 

LACTO PREMIUM has bottled in the peak of fermentation which is the most activate microbial condition for further fermentation. 
This process required higher level of skills and experience to bottle the most active and sparkling solution. The finish condition is adjustable depending on the business conditions.
Inspection & Research
Currently, in order to pursue further safety and deeper understanding of microorganisms, together with university and research institute, we began procedure and preparations for starting food safety inspection and scientific research on LACTO.
We applied the inspection of LACTO on institute of Food Research and Product Development in Kasetsart Agricultural University in Thailand. As soon as the result of the scientific inspection and examination comes out, it will be published on this website.


This website is under construction. Please wait till the end of this year 2020!!

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